Do you currently have an account on file at Surdyk's?

Is this a change to an existing email address on your account?
By providing an email address, you consent to receive emails (which include your coupons) from Surdyk's. *
You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the Unsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email. You can also choose to Opt-Out of the Rewards program at any time.We also use this service for communication regarding your Rewards account and points balance. We do not sell or share our email list. You can read our full Privacy Policy via a link at the bottom of your screen.

Not sure on your Customer Number? You can find it on your Surdyk's Receipt. If you don't know or can't find it, skip this field, we'll look you up by name or address instead.

Update Address?
Current Address on Account
New Address

A real human will be monitoring and making these changes, which happen during regular business hours. 

Surdyk's may need to contact you via the provided email address if we feel we need more information or verify additional details before we make any changes to an existing account. 

If you have questions about your account or need some additional help that can't be accomplished here, feel free to Contact Us.

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